Sunday, March 23, 2014

Hottie Of The Week: Theo James

Have you watch Divergent? If you haven't watch it yet, then you should watch that movie as soon as possible!

Seperti yang udah gue ceritain, gue emang udah ngefans sama Divergent udah lama. Soalnya dulu saat gue suka sama The Hunger Games, emang dua novel bestseller dunia ini selalu dibanding-bandingin. Tapi, menurut gue jalan ceritanya berbeda *ea.

Talk about Divergent, I'm pretty sure that you have crush with Four a.k.a Theo James! Of course, who doesn't love him?!

And that's why I choose him to be my 'Hottie Of The Week'.

Do you agree with me, fellas? ;)

Ikr, he's hot, isn't he?

xx, ZL.